Individual On-line Coaching for

Worship Leaders and Music Directors

$85 per hr

(Your 1st 30 Minute Introductory Session is FREE!)

Book Multiple Sessions at a Discount::
5 Sessions for $375
10 Sessions for $700


Intermediate and Advanced
Keyboard Instruction

$90 per hr

(15 minute FREE Audition is required)

Book Multiple Sessions at a Discount::
5 Sessions for $400
10 Sessions for $750

Let’s get together with your

Worship Staff and Team

Members On-line

$85 per hr

(Your 1st 30 Minute Introductory Session is FREE!)

Book Multiple Sessions at a Discount::
5 Sessions for $375
10 Sessions for $700


Coming Soon ->


This will be a comprehensive Subscription Video Series that will appeal to anyone that wants to further their skills in worship leading, music direction, playing an instrument or singing in a Worship setting.

There will be videos that will appeal to all musical skill levels; from music theory basics, to the advanced skills of arranging for band & vocals. We’ll discuss how to effectively lead rehearsals, how to work with backing tracks for worship using DAWs like Ableton and many, many other topics!


 This is an on-line Worship Team Session where we’re going over the Mix functions of LOGIC

(*There is no audio in this video)